Monero is among the most popular cryptocurrencies. It is distinguished by being considered one of the most protected, safe, and untraceable, i.e., as confidential as possible. In 2014, the Monero cryptocurrency was launched as a fork of ByteCoin. The owner of the coins is guaranteed privacy; information about balances or transactions is known only to him; other persons will never be able to access it.
This crypto is a great way to earn money. It can be mined (on your own or in a mining pool) and received in the form of mutual settlements or transfers. You can use it on the Internet just like any other cryptocurrency and withdraw it conveniently if necessary. Many withdrawal options exist; Monero is highly valued and trades well on all major exchanges. But if you need to exchange Monero (XMR) to Tether BEP20 (USDT), there is only one way out – contacting an electronic exchanger
Ensuring the security of the transaction if you want to exchange Monero (XMR) in the exchanger
You can find exchange services willing to exchange Monero (XMR) to Tether. It leads to a listing on the monitoring portal, generated using current data from reliable exchangers.
Security is a paramount factor in cryptocurrency exchanges. You should only contact trusted services. Those exchange sites included in the monitoring layout are guaranteed to be reliable because they have been tested by the system and function accurately.
How do you find a safe exchanger and exchange it profitably?
A simple and proven method searching for reliable exchange websites is to view the rating of reliable electronic currency exchangers on and select a service from the proposed listing. This portal addresses and monitors cryptocurrencies and their rates in crypto exchanges. It receives information from security-checked and functioning exchange sites. Due to this, scammers are not included in the rating, and users of the monitoring resource’s services can ensure a safe transaction.
The bestchange portal is the largest and most popular today. There, you can find a reliable exchanger and choose it according to the degree of profitability. The rating tables provide data on the following:
- exchange rate;
- commissions and special conditions (they are visible when you hover over special labels);
- foreign exchange reserves of the exchange service.
There are also reviews telling about the exchanger’s real reputation as a transaction partner.
It is difficult to independently search for crypto exchangers where the value of deposited USDT can be obtained. This takes a long time and does not guarantee that the potential service is not a scam. Therefore, choosing from those offered by the monitoring portal is better. You can also find extra infp about Tether BEP20 (USDT) on
The speed of exchanging cryptocurrencies
Exchange cryptocurrency services offer significant advantages, including speed of service and instant transactions, which can be carried out around the clock. When it comes to exchanging online, everything happens within a few minutes. However, if during a transaction the client wants to swap Monero cryptocurrency to Tether USDT stablecoin in BEP-20 network, the process will take longer.
The application itself and its processing are carried out almost instantly, and then the client receives payment instructions and must transfer the agreed amount of XMR to the exchanger’s wallet. Once the crypt is available for service, you can pick up it. They are issued in the office or at partner ticket offices.